Your Voice to host Your Voice

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Your Voice

The ABA Journal wants to further facilitate conversations among lawyers about their profession. Therefore, we are revising our policy on unsolicited submissions to allow the legal profession to share, demonstrate and debate the issues and events facing them.

We are now accepting queries for original, thoughtful, nonpromotional articles and commentary by unpaid contributors to run in the Your Voice section of our website,

Details of the new policy are posted on the website under the link “Your Submissions, Your Voice.” Submissions that are published here will be designated as coming from our readers, and will be open for comments from other readers.

As the policy states, we ask potential writers to submit queries first. We may also request a digital photograph of the writer to accompany the article. Other details are spelled out in the policy.

And note that the ABA Journal editors may refuse to publish a submission for any reason.

Give us feedback, share a story tip or update, or report an error.