ChatGPT was on the minds of vendors and attendees at the ABA Techshow 2023 on Thursday, as hundreds gathered for the ABA’s first fully in-person legal technology event in three years.
Lawyers are abuzz about the possible uses of ChatGPT. Could the artificial intelligence-powered chatbot write a persuasive legal brief worthy of judicial consideration? The ABA Journal decided to put the technology to the test just for kicks.
Artificial intelligence has the potential to change the world in which we work and live. If you’ve been paying attention, you know that AI-related transformation is already happening, and the legal industry is not immune.
Allen & Overy has adopted an artificial intelligence platform dubbed “Harvey” to help its lawyers generate and access legal content. The platform was adapted from OpenAI’s ChatGPT software.
The Madison Square Garden Entertainment Corp. has made a change to a policy that bans lawyers from its venues if they have "active litigation against the company."
The House of Delegates adopted a resolution at the 2023 ABA Midyear Meeting on Monday that addresses how attorneys, regulators and other stakeholders should assess issues of accountability, transparency and traceability in artificial intelligence.
An artificial intelligence tool called ChatGPT averaged a C-plus on exams at the University of Minnesota Law School, according to four law professors who gave it a try.
“On the basis of.” These four words from the Civil Rights Act of 1964 underlie the modern conception of illegal bias. From federal anti-discrimination statutes to state and local laws, this phrase nearly unites them all.
Legal actions filed on behalf of artists and stock photo company Getty Images claim that artificial intelligence companies are violating the plaintiffs’ copyrights by using their images and metadata to train AI software.
Released Nov. 30, ChatGPT, a chatbot created by OpenAI, has made waves in a short amount of time for how responsive, sophisticated and realistic it is.
Artificial intelligence programs are making inroads in the legal field, showing proficiency in two sections of a practice bar exam and getting used for the first time in traffic court.
Looking for a new listen? We've picked our favorite 2022 episodes from each of the ABA Journal's three podcasts. And if this whets your appetite, find more than 10 years of past episodes on our podcast page. You can also check out more legal podcasts from our partners at Legal Talk Network.
Being able to make predictions is crucial for lawyers. Let’s explore the nature of judicial prediction-making by attorneys and see how the latest in artificial intelligence-powered legal technology comes into play in this altogether ubiquitous, yet highly formidable task.