“When you post something to the Web, you have to ask yourself, ‘Is this defamatory, satire or just plain mean?” Blogger Heather Armstrong issued the warning to attendees at an event on legal issues that surround the social media explosion Friday at the ABA Annual Meeting in San Francisco. Armstrong…
Charles Dickens opened his famous novel A Tale of Two Cities with “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” If Dickens were covering an ABA Annual Meeting program Friday that looked at where the civil division of the U.S. Justice Department stands in the eyes…
Is the Tom Cruise hit Minority Report the future of justice? It’s closer to reality than you might think, according to a panel that spoke Friday at the ABA’s 2010 Annual Meeting in San Francisco. Advances in artificial intelligence, nanotechnology and neuroscience were among the hot topics at the provocative,…
Among the new initiatives that the incoming president of the American Bar Association is to announce Monday will be a plan to appoint attorneys Ted Olson and David Boies as co-chairs of a new ABA Task Force on the Preservation of the Justice System. Stephen N. Zack will make the…
Get paid to speak. Forget hourly timesheets. And find clients that share your passion – particularly if that includes riding Harley-Davidson motorcycles. Those were among the top tips shared at the Legal Rebels 2010: 10 Ways to Build a Perfect Practice & Career program Thursday at the ABA’s Annual Meeting…
Hard, honest work doesn’t count if professional accomplishments and accolades aren’t among the top three results in an online Google search of a lawyer’s name. That was one warning given to attendees of a program Thursday on reputation management at the ABA’s 2010 Annual Meeting in San Francisco. “The Internet…
Many of the early arrivals at the ABA’s 2010 Annual Meeting in San Francisco who attended a program Thursday on same-sex marriage were no doubt disappointed when Theodore Olson, a key member of the team of attorneys that successfully argued against California’s ban on same-sex marriage, was a last-minute scratch…
Ten speakers will provide a series of fast-paced and dynamic slideshow presentations on ways to boost profits and navigate individual careers at the Legal Rebels 2010: 10 Ways to Build a Perfect Practice & Career event on Thursday, Aug 5. Legal experts including alternative billing guru Ron Baker and virtual…
Updated: Big-name lawyers and closely watched topics are already creating headlines as some 8,000 lawyers gather in San Francisco this week for the ABA Annual Meeting. Legal heavy hitter David Boies is the featured speaker during the association’s Opening Assembly on Saturday. He’ll be speaking about the rule of law.…
A recent decision to suspend implementation of a controversial federal regulation aimed at preventing identity theft gives the ABA more time to press its argument that the regulation should not be applied to lawyers, said H. Thomas Wells Jr. at his final press briefing as ABA president.
Six former U.S. attorneys general, who served under four different presidents in the past 30 years, expressed serious concerns about proposed investigations into interrogation techniques employed—but now abandoned—in the war against terrorism.
It was just one moment in a hallway outside another hotel meeting room, but it offered a telling glimpse into the impact Stephen N. Zack is likely to have when he takes his turn as
ABA president.
Like the manner of the man who delivered it, the message was simple, direct and steeped in the heritage of traditional New England democracy: “We have to do something to improve civic education in the United States,” said retired U.S. Supreme Court Justice David H. Souter.
Carolyn Lamm assumed the presidency of the ABA at the 2009 Annual Meeting in Chicago, telling the House of Delegates that “the term rule of law may sound like an abstraction, but history is full of evidence that reminds us otherwise.”