ABA Journal

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Results for: independent state legislature theory

U.S. Supreme Court

Rehnquist dropped push for ‘independent state legislature’ theory in Bush v. Gore, Stevens’ papers show

Election Law

Top state court withdraws December opinion, rules it can’t interfere with partisan gerrymanders

Election Law

Now with a GOP majority, top state court votes to rehear 2 recently decided voting-rights cases

U.S. Supreme Court

3 conservative SCOTUS justices appear to seek middle ground on ‘independent state legislature’ theory

U.S. Supreme Court

SCOTUS will decide case that could strip state courts of power to review congressional voting maps


Students are collateral damage in America’s war on teachers

U.S. Supreme Court

‘Independent state legislature’ theory in spotlight as SCOTUS refuses to hear map disputes

U.S. Supreme Court

Chemerinsky: Should SCOTUS have turned down these election law cases?


Faith and fiscal responsibility cause many conservatives to change their view of the death penalty


SCOTUS ruling could complicate laws on impaired driving


Crime labs under the microscope after a string of shoddy, suspect and fraudulent results


Judge Fights to Uphold Delaware’s Reputation of Being Fair to Corporations


Pricing Amy: Should Those Who Download Child Pornography Pay the Victims?

Supreme Court Report

A Changing Landscape


Their Day in Court

Judicial Independence

Judges in the Culture Wars Crossfire

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