ABA Journal

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Will this one-eyed octopus find blind justice?

Which caption needs a closer inspection?

Which book should win the 2017 Harper Lee Prize for Legal Fiction?

Which caption is on your wavelength?

Which diorama should win Peeps in Law 2017: Rogue Peep?

Which caption do you find most appealing?

Which of these captions for the cartoon contest really pops?

Which caption about putting a ring on it is your favorite?

Three wishes, three captions—which do you like best?

Which coffee caption has the best flavor?

What question does this lawyer have for his robot witness?

What happens when it’s this lawyer’s turn to sit on Santa’s lap?

Which bird-brained caption fits this cartoon best?

Flip a coin to pick this month’s caption contest winner

Which up-in-flames caption fits best?

Which Humpty Dumpty caption fits best?

Which book should win the 2016 Harper Lee Prize for Legal Fiction?

Which Beatles cover rocks?

Which caption fits this snoozing courtroom cartoon best?

Which diorama should win Peeps in Law 2016: Peep Wars?

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