ABA Journal

Latest News

Verdicts & Settlements

Juries Award $103M in Punitives in Two Prempro Cases

Criminal Justice

Veterans Courts Poised to ‘Exponentially Increase,’ Backer Says

Legal Technology

ABA Launches Technology Marketplace Offering Member Discounts

First Amendment

9th Circuit Upholds Ban on Class Actions by Legal Aid Lawyers


Retiring Federal Circuit Chief Judge Ready to Be ‘Unmuzzled’

Criminal Procedure

Judge Warns Lawyers for Blackwater Defendants About Single Spacing

Criminal Justice

Lobster Criminals Unite Conservative Ed Meese and the ACLU

Law Firms

Chair and Vice Chair of Howard Rice’s Business Practice Jump to Other Firms

Constitutional Law

Man Wrongly Jailed for Murder Helps Make Case for Actual Innocence Test

Disability Law

Blind Law Grad Sues Bar Exam Group, Seeks OK to Use Screen Reader

Government Law

Fighting for Marquee Law Firm Tenant, Landlord Sues Officials Over Incentives

Constitutional Law

After AWOL Argentine Affair, Gov. Sanford Now Faces Ethics Charges Over Expenses

White-Collar Crime

Too Embarrassed to Make Layoffs, Lawyer Stole $9.3M, Gets 7 Years

Legal Ethics

As Bar Joke Becomes Habeas Claim, Lawyer Is Target of Hearing

Law Practice Management

Sutherland Eliminates Lockstep, Cuts 1st-Year Pay in Atlanta

Internet Law

Depressed Woman Loses Leave Benefits After Facebook Shows Her Having Fun

Labor & Employment

Appeals Court OKs $5M in Punitives for Victim of Phone Hoax Strip Search

Bar Exam

Several States Move Closer to National Bar Exam

Law Firms

What In-House Counsel Want: Relationship Building and Quick Answers


Lawyer-Pilot Dies in Plane Crash

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