ABA Journal

Latest News

Annual Meeting 2010

Social Media Is New Norm, But Courts Still Grappling With Whether to Let Cameras In

Annual Meeting 2010

ABA’s House of Delegates Taps Official Tweeter to Follow Debates

Annual Meeting 2010

David Boies Calls on Lawyers to Speak Out Against Personal Attacks on Judges in Controversial Cases

Annual Meeting 2010

Medical Marijuana Muddle Grows for State Law Enforcement, Pot Farms and Patients

Annual Meeting 2010

Lawyers: Get a Pedicure, Go to the Dentist and Don’t Give Away Free Consultations, Expert Says

Annual Meeting 2010

It Helps to Think Like a Player—Poker, That Is—When You Take Your Case to Trial

Annual Meeting 2010

After Results at Donor Drive, ABA Section May Be Out for More Blood Next Year

Annual Meeting 2010

Slander or Satire? When Does Social Media Cross Legal Lines?

Annual Meeting 2010

Chamber of Commerce Finds Common Ground with DOJ on Key Litigation

Annual Meeting 2010

Gap Between Sci-Fi and Reality May Be Narrowing in Justice System

Annual Meeting 2010

Incoming ABA Prez to Put Ted Olson and David Boies at Helm of Justice System Project

Family Law

Retired Wachtell Partner’s Prenup Precludes Share in 7-Figure Income for ‘Playmate’ Ex-Wife

Trials & Litigation

Sypher Convicted in Rick Pitino Extortion After Her Divorce Lawyer Testifies Against Her

Family Law

Couple Who Named Kids After Nazis Shouldn’t Have Custody, NJ Court Says

tour update

Location. Location. Location: Office Near Court Helps This Solo Pick Up New Clients

Privacy Law

Library Clerk Fired for Refusing to Disclose Her Weight and Height

Legal Ethics

Still Contesting $20K Sanction, ‘Birther’ Attorney Orly Taitz Takes On the Supreme Court

Business of Law

Good News for Star Associates, Bad News for Others: Bonuses are Replacing Some Pay

Legal Ethics

$1.4 Million Verdict Thrown Out Over Lawyer’s Inflammatory Remarks

Media & Communications Law

Lawyer Who Googled His Name Found Offensive Post Too Late, Judge Says

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