ABA Journal

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News Roundup

Afternoon Briefs: These BigLaw firms get ‘A’ ratings on climate change; lawyer settles athlete fraud claims

U.S. Supreme Court

Supreme Court will consider legality of Arizona voting restrictions, including ‘ballot harvesting’ ban

Supreme Court Nominations

Amy Coney Barrett signed 2006 ad calling for end to ‘barbaric legacy of Roe v. Wade’


Judge resigns while awaiting sanction for alleged inappropriate behavior toward women

Product Liability Law

Amazon isn’t liable for vendor’s caffeine product that killed teen, state supreme court rules

Consumer Law

Couple can sue sperm bank for misrepresentations; donor allegedly hid mental illness, inflated education

News Roundup

Afternoon Briefs: SCOTUS moves quickly in census case; judge stops policing commission work


Law firms lost 15 associates for every 20 they hired, NALP Foundation study finds

Supreme Court Report

SCOTUS is back in session amid a loss, a heated election and a world health crisis


An attack on a judge’s family is putting judicial security center stage


Texas judge reprimanded for showing handgun during argument


Judge tosses suit alleging racially motivated conspiracy to oust reform-minded prosecutor

Access to Justice

Minnesota will launch legal paraprofessional pilot program

U.S. Supreme Court

Chemerinsky: The Supreme Court returns to a term like no other

News Roundup

Afternoon Briefs: Barrett’s net worth, Trump’s quick decision revealed; Satanic Temple sues

Criminal Justice

Accused killer claims Miranda warning was invalid because he didn’t understand the word ‘attorney’

Members Who Inspire

First Black Oregon Supreme Court justice blazes a trail for lawyers—and students

Supreme Court Nominations

Barrett’s expansive view of Second Amendment could provide fifth vote to strike down gun laws

Lawyer Pay

Former bonus leader Cravath isn’t paying special bonuses; it’s reportedly 3rd BigLaw firm to say no

Law Students

New report looks at how law students view their schools’ diversity work

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