ABA Journal

Latest News

U.S. Supreme Court

2 SCOTUS justices agree to amend financial disclosures after Fix the Court asks questions


Judges must consider defendants’ ability to pay fines and fees, ethics opinion says

Public Health

Texas and Ohio AGs say abortions are nonessential medical procedures that must be delayed

Practice Management

Chief innovation officer talks firm’s changing culture amid COVID-19 and best tips for working remotely

Public Health

Several states postpone attorney discipline hearings because of the coronavirus

Law Schools

On-campus interviews in January? Top law schools consider delays amid law firm pressure


Klobuchar’s law prof husband is hospitalized with COVID-19

News Roundup

Afternoon Briefs: Lawsuits challenge shutdown orders; judge ordered to stop hearings

U.S. Supreme Court

SCOTUS rules states have immunity from copyright suits in case involving Blackbeard’s ship

Bar Exam

What alternatives to the July bar exam are being considered in light of COVID-19?

U.S. Supreme Court

Supreme Court rules suits for contracting bias must show but-for causation, a tougher standard

U.S. Supreme Court

Traditional insanity defense isn’t constitutionally required, SCOTUS rules


New Jersey Supreme Court orders release of county jail inmates, with some exceptions allowed


Above the Law founder David Lat is put on a ventilator after COVID-19 diagnosis


Federal judge includes ‘be kind’ advice in orders following COVID-19 pandemic

News Roundup

Afternoon Briefs: ABA backs COVID-19 money for LSC; Larry Klayman files $20T suit against China

Legal Education

Suspension of federal student loan payments available during COVID-19 pandemic

U.S. Supreme Court

Will Supreme Court decide some cases without oral arguments?


3 prosecutors resign amid probe into free Utah Jazz tickets provided by defense lawyer

U.S. Supreme Court

SCOTUS extends filing deadlines because of coronavirus outbreak

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