ABA Journal

Latest News

Bar Associations

ABA and Law Library of Congress plan virtual Law Day celebration

Public Health

Kansas Supreme Court upholds order limiting church services to 10 people or less

Criminal Justice

Federal judge orders COVID-19 safety measures for Chicago-area inmates; a second detainee dies

News Roundup

Afternoon Briefs: Female topless ban upheld; is requiring stamp on mail-in ballot a poll tax?

Law Schools

Boston law school leads initiative to develop mobile court forms during pandemic crisis

Public Health

Lawyers and Atlanta Opera team up to create covers for N95 masks for local hospital

Public Health

Public defenders in this state are told to slash budgets as traffic-ticket funding plummets

Law Firms

Pay cuts and furloughs continue as more firms trim costs to address COVID-19

Law in Popular Culture

Netflix’s ‘100 Humans’ ponders the question: Can good looks keep you out of jail?

Criminal Justice

Cops charge people for coughing on grocery store shelves, police officers during pandemic

News Roundup

Afternoon Briefs: Judge is accused of using staff for errands; summer associates will be paid for no work

Legal Education

Legal community has mixed reactions to ABA resolution on limited law practice for recent grads

In-house Counsel

Some corporate lawyers see pay cuts as coronavirus impacts bottom lines


Deputy public defender alleges judge denigrated his Jewish heritage and pushed him off a boat

Law Firms

BigLaw firm creates fund to help employees harmed by coronavirus and matches contributions

Bar Associations

ABA Young Lawyers Division establishes national hotline for pandemic-related legal services

Legal Education

A remote LSAT is scheduled for May because of coronavirus

The Modern Law Library

How to develop your horse sense with equine law

10 Questions

‘People at home have got to start paying attention,’ says Texas lawyer on COVID-19 front lines

Legal Education

ABA Board of Governors backs limited practice for recent law school grads as they await bar exam

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