ABA Journal

Latest News


Lawyer suspended after state bar alleges he creates ‘massive waste of judicial resources’

Civil Rights

4th Circuit revives suit against police in shooting death and says, ‘This has to stop’

Law Firms

Judge refuses to sanction women suing Jones Day for gender bias

Practice Management

ABA and Clio team up to assist lawyers amid the coronavirus pandemic


A right to gather?: Balancing health risks and religious liberties during the COVID-19 crisis

Trademark Law

Netflix obtains foreign trademark rights to ‘Space Force’ before US government

Immigration Law

Unaccompanied children are being deported without the hearings they are entitled to, ABA president says

News Roundup

Afternoon Briefs: Bus driver sues for squelched cop talk; more online bar exams ahead

Criminal Justice

Lawyer is accused of shooting driver said to be ‘inching forward’ into protesters

U.S. Supreme Court

Does disabilities law prohibit mental health bias in bar admissions? Law grad seeks cert


What are your confidentiality obligations to prospective clients? New ABA ethics opinion weighs in

Criminal Justice

Lawyer’s convictions upheld for role in schemes to con law firms and users of dating websites

Trials & Litigation

Courts and lawyers struggle with growing prevalence of deepfakes

News Roundup

Afternoon Briefs: Judge’s TRO restricts tear gas, projectiles; 2 lawyers return to jail

Access to Justice

Washington Supreme Court sunsets limited license program for nonlawyers


Lawyer gets suspended for pursuing lawsuit of more than $67M over lost pants

Public Health

Top state court vacates order shutting down defiant barber’s shop during COVID-19 crisis

Criminal Justice

ABA president says ‘our hearts are aching,’ calls for action in wake of George Floyd’s death

Criminal Justice

Lawyer accused of spitting on protester, shoving another and kneeing officer in groin

Criminal Justice

Amid cries of ‘defund the police,’ Minneapolis city council majority pledges dismantling

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