ABA Journal

Latest News

Constitutional Law

Oregon sues US agencies over protest arrests; what gave feds authority to intervene?

Legal Education

Self-awareness, mentors and family propel former C student to Harvard Law acceptance


Federal judge’s son killed, her lawyer husband wounded in shooting at their home

News Roundup

Afternoon Briefs: Governor sues over mask mandate; court openings paused

Trials & Litigation

Fight over Trump’s financial information resumes quickly after Supreme Court order

Criminal Justice

Black veteran faces 5-year sentence after bringing his medical pot into Alabama

U.S. Supreme Court

Justice Ginsburg is being treated for liver cancer, says she still can do her job


Prosecuting attorney criticized for ‘racial undertone’ of Facebook comment

Bar Exam

California announces online October bar exam, lowered cut score and supervised practice

U.S. Supreme Court

Supreme Court leaves stay in place that hampers voting by Florida ex-felons

News Roundup

Afternoon Briefs: Protesters charged in state AG protest; Zoom comment aftermath

Legal Education

New York cancels September bar exam, and considers NCBE’s October offering

ABA Annual Meeting

What can we expect from the all-virtual 2020 ABA Annual Meeting?


Lawyer suspended after his skip-trial strategy backfires; his son is reprimanded

Fourth Amendment

4th Circuit spars over predictive policing; dissenter criticized for writing ‘with a smooth pen and a tin ear’


Law grads have had job offers rescinded at 49% of surveyed law schools


Prosecutorial ethics are in the spotlight after the death of Ahmaud Arbery

U.S. Supreme Court

Second federal execution since 2003 is carried out after Supreme Court lifts injunctions

News Roundup

Afternoon Briefs: KKK courthouse mural still on display; George Floyd’s family sues

Criminal Justice

At least 837 attorney-client calls were recorded by Maine jails

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