ABA Journal

Latest News

Attorney General

4 Dems Seek Alleged AG Perjury Probe

Health Law

TB Attorney Released, Not Contagious

Entertainment & Sports Law

Vick: I’m Not Guilty in Dogfighting Case

Law Practice

NJ Firm Bows Head re Unadmitted Atty

Criminal Justice

Law Enforcement Gap on Tribal Lands

Election Law

7 Charged in WA Voter Reg Fraud Case

Immigration Law

Judge Voids Hazleton Immigration Law

Criminal Justice

Judge’s Loafers Lucky Fit for FL Inmate

Tort Law

Family Blames VA Secretary for Suicide

Copyright Law

Judge Skeptical of Facebook Suit

Criminal Justice

Record $100 Million for Unjust Conviction

Animal Law

Canine Bites Dog Doc, Owner Prosecuted


LA Trend: More Confidentiality Contracts

Banking Law

Mortgage Bias Investigated

Law Students

Bar Exam Film Ups Ante for 6 Law Grads

Securities Law

More Backdating Charges

Insurance Law

US Attorney to Judge: No Scruggs Case

Tort Reform

Thompson TV Role vs. Reality

Alberto Gonzales

Senator Threatens AG Perjury Probe

Separation of Powers

GOP Sets Stage for Spitzer Probe

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