ABA Journal

Latest News

Law Firms

Bookkeeper Admits Paying Personal Loans From Dead Lawyer’s Accounts

Tax Law

$1B Class Action Claims E-Filing Group Overcharged

Law Practice

Loan Company Targets Vioxx Lawyers

Law Firms

Lawyer Sues for Unpaid Bonuses After Big Wal-Mart Verdict

Attorney General

Legal Defense Fund Set Up for Gonzales


Federal Judge Hit for ‘Unseemly Haste’ in Dismissing Case

Work/Life Balance

New Child Care Option: Bring Baby to Work?

Criminal Justice

O.J. Will Go to Trial in Armed Robbery Case

Personal Lives

Famed Texas PI Lawyer’s Trials Help Destroy Landmark Home


Judge Adds $49M in Atty Fees to Wal-Mart OT Bill; Total Nears $200M

Constitutional Law

BBC: No Judges in Many Pakistan Courts

Internet Law

Counterfeit Case Against eBay May Raise Web Policing Requirements

Criminal Justice

N.Y. Lawyer Stole $24M, Gets 10 Years

Law Practice

More Law Firms Seek to Sue Banks

Law Practice

Chadbourne Still a Bridesmaid; London Match Fizzles

Environmental Law

Appeals Court Orders Narrowed Relief in Whale Sonar Case

Law Practice

Should Law Firm Leaders Get CEO Pay?

Rule of Law

Lawyers March in Solidarity with Jailed Pakistani Colleagues

Attorney General

Bush Promises New DOJ Appointments

Tax Law

Warren Buffett: Superrich Have Enough, So Don’t Repeal Estate Tax

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