ABA Journal

Latest News

Immigration Law

Deportation of 4-Year-Old US Citizen Reignites ‘Anchor Babies’ Debate


Oops. Fake Auto Accident Allegedly was Staged Under Store Surveillance Camera


After DNA Exonerates Convicted Rapists, Victims Who Identified Them Deal with the Guilt

Attorney Fees

Convicted Ex-Qwest CEO Sues over $25M Legal Bill, Claims Lawyers Billed Him for Their Underwear

Law in Peepular Culture

Peeps in Law Gallery Is Live

White-Collar Crime

Convicted Ex-Bankruptcy Attorney Could Get Up to 20 Years Per Count in Mortgage Fraud

Question of the Week

How Formal or Informal Are You in Your Interactions with Your Clients?

In-House Counsel

Judge Confirms $2.6M Arbitration Award for Toyota in Claim Against Its Ex-Lawyer

Entertainment & Sports Law

American Idol Contestant Claims in Bias Suit He Was Told to ‘Gay It Up’


Skadden Beefs Up Its White-Collar Criminal Defense Team

Sentencing/Post Conviction

Revelations of Convicted Judge’s Brain Damage, Bipolar Disorder Spur New Hearing Requests

Attorney General

DOJ Suit Supporting Teacher’s Requested Mecca Trip Is a ‘Legal Reach,’ Ex-AG Says

Constitutional Law

Women Seeking Abortions in South Dakota Will Have to Visit ‘Pregnancy Help Centers’

U.S. Supreme Court

Clarence Thomas’ Wife Has a New Job as a Special Correspondent

Legal Marketing

How People Find Lawyers: Referrals Are Popular, Blogs Not So Much, Poll Finds

Legal Ethics

San Fran City Attorney Wins Court Order Requiring Law Firm to Cut Ties with Ex-Practitioner

Law Firms

Ex-Ice Miller Associate Files ERISA Suit, Says Disability Payments re Motorcycle Accident Botched

Criminal Justice

Not Clear on the Concept: Man Allegedly Brings Beer to Court for DWI Hearing, Is Jailed

Internet Law

Federal Judge Nixes $125M Google Books Settlement That Would Have OK’d Digital Library

Trials & Litigation

Live Tweets of Biker Murder Trial and Others Raise Issues of Balance and Fairness

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