Question of the Week

You're at Work. What Are You Wearing?

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A post this week about a onetime BigLaw associate who was taken into fashion police custody for a makeover and shopping trip reminded us of the strong feelings our readers have always had about what is appropriate work wear.

For some, the idea of women at the office sans pantyhose—and possibly with flip-flops—is not a big deal, while for others, it is horrifying.

We also remember a law firm partner’s editorial praising suits for men: “I just couldn’t imagine too many clients willing to pay more than $500 an hour for legal advice to a guy wearing a knit shirt who looked as if he were going to hit the links as soon as this damn meeting was over.”

So rather than just voicing your opinion, defend the choice you made today. What did you wear to work? Do you feel it’s appropriate for your workplace, or are you glad other readers cannot see you now?

Answer in the comments below.

Read last week’s question and answers about education hoaxes.

Our favorite answer from last week:

Posted by DC Fed: Do I have a ton of student loans? Yeah. Are the payments preventing me from taking extravagant vacations? Sure. Am I starving? No. So, was the whole law school thing worth it? We’ll see.

I busted my hump in school and scratched my way into the top 10%. I crammed my butt off to study for the bar exam (despite having to move on short notice a month before the exam) and passed it. I took the safe route and applied for a Fellowship with the Federal government and now have a stable, if not immediately lucrative, job. All told, I think I’m in a good spot and I don’t think my law school (professors or career services office) led me astray. I also don’t think that luck completely determined my outcome: I made a lot of conscious decisions that ended up working out for me (or have so far).

My sense is that the people who are “victims of an education hoax” are, at the very least, victims of their own pipe dreams and mistaken beliefs that they could make the hail mary pass. Anyone who thinks they’re going to graduate law school and land a dream job and not struggle to pay off student loans is, frankly, delusional. Especially in this economy.

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