Yale Has Most Clinical Offerings, But Others Are Highly Regarded
A survey by a legal publication, based on information provided by a guide to ABA-approved law schools, says Yale Law School offers by far the most opportunities for students interested in clinical work.
“National Jurist found that for the 576 full-time students at Yale, the school offered an astounding 520 positions,” reports a Legal Blog Watch by Robert Ambrogi. The magazine compared the number of students to the number of clinical course offerings, it notes.
Runners-up Drake University and the University of Wisconsin, respectively, offered clinical positions to only about 45 percent of their law students, compared to a 90 percent ratio at Yale.
A magazine article about the survey, however, points out that a good clinical program offers more than just available positions, the post continues: “The article cites Stetson University College of Law as one with outstanding programs, despite its 74th place ranking.”
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