Legal Ethics

Writing Letters to Judge Puts Man Behind Bars

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Writing letters to an Illinois judge has put a man behind bars in lieu of $75,000 bond.

Gary Rainey, 28, was charged with stalking last week after allegedly writing threatening letters to an unidentified St. Clair County judge, reports the News-Democrat. He also tried to meet with the judge but was refused admittance by a bailiff.

It appears that Rainey didn’t have any particular grudge against the judge, but was seeking a refund of money he felt was owed to him after he successfully completed his probation in an unspecified case, according to the article. It doesn’t include any comment from him or his lawyer.

The first letter from Rainey reportedly was brought to the attention of the authorities by the judge. However, the second was obtained in an unusual manner:

“An anonymous source received it at an attorney’s office and we intercepted it from there,” St. Clair County Sheriff’s Sgt. Thomas Trice tells the newspaper. “The letters contained possible threats against the judge who we will not name.”

At last report, Rainey was being held in lieu of $75,000 bond.