Criminal Justice

Woman's Boyfriend Charged in Stuck-Toilet-Seat Case

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The bizarre case of a Kansas woman who sat on a toilet seat so long that it became stuck to her body has resulted in a criminal charge against a man alleged to be responsible.

Kory McFarren, 37, who is reportedly the boyfriend of the woman stuck to the toilet, has been charged with mistreatment of a dependent adult, reports the Associated Press. The case is in Ness County District Court.

McFarren, who works at an antiques store, told authorities his girlfriend, Pam Babcock, had a phobia about leaving the bathroom of their mobile home and might not have left it in two years. He says he has taken care of her for about 16 years. “The only thing I am guilty of is I didn’t get her help sooner,” he told the Associated Press in an interview before he was charged.

Reportedly, Babcock had sat on the toilet continuously for at least a month before McFarren called police last month, and sores that developed as a result became attached to the seat. The county sheriff said he used a pry bar to remove the seat from the toilet, so that she could be taken to the hospital with the seat still attached.

The mobile home has a second bathroom that was available for McFarren to use.

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