Tort Law

Woman sues over eye injury from tossed roll at restaurant that touts its 'throwed rolls'

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A Missouri restaurant known for tossing dinner rolls to customers is being sued by a pastor who says she suffered an eye injury as a result of the practice.

The suit by Troy Tucker, a 67-year-old St. Louis pastor, says she suffered a torn cornea last September when a tossed roll hit her in the eye. The defendant is Lambert’s Café, which calls itself the “home of throwed rolls.” Among the publications with stories are the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the Riverfront Times and Fox2Now.

Tucker’s suit says Lambert’s has a “defective condition of throwing rolls at customers” and the dangerous practice creates a risk of injury. Tucker was injured at the restaurant’s Sikeston location.

Lawyer William Meehan of the Meehan Law Firm in University City filed the suit on Tucker’s behalf.

Another lawyer, Justin Meehan of St. Louis, wants everyone to know that he isn’t the lawyer that filed the suit. “Please note,” he wrote in comments to the Post-Dispatch story, “that it is not the law firm of civil rights attorneys J. Justin Meehan and John J. Meehan that is bringing this lawsuit. We have received a blizzard of very angry and upset emails and phone calls from outraged readers. It is some other attorney with the last name of Meehan (it happens). Please distinguish which Meehan Law Firm is suing them before we are run out of town, ‘cause it definitely ain’t us!”

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