Criminal Justice

Woman charged with petty theft, accused of taking $2.87 from courthouse fountain

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Unemployed and hungry, an Ohio woman says she figured that she could help herself to some coins in a fountain at the Logan County Courthouse in Bellefontaine because they didn’t belong to anyone.

Wrong. Police say they caught Deirdre Romine in the act, found $2.87 in her pocket and charged her with petty theft, according to the Associated Press and WBNS. The city is considered the victim in the case.

However, the story may have a happy ending for Romine, who reportedly is disabled but looking for work. Fundraising efforts are underway both outside the courthouse and online to provide some money that a case manager can help her use effectively. Spearheaded by Will Zell of Connect to Home, the campaign has already raised more than $5,400 on GoFundMe. A LinkedIn profile provides further details about Zell’s background.

“This was an unfortunate story, but what it really showed us is that in our city, this woman is hungry, and now we can help feed her,” Zell says on a YouTube video. He said the station set up the donation efforts in response to calls about the Romine case from more than 20 viewers.

See also:

Connect to Home: “Coins in the courthouse fountain: One woman’s wish”

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