Harvard Law Prof Mentioned, But Not Named, as Kennedy Successor
Updated: A Harvard law professor had been mentioned as a possible successor to Edward M. Kennedy, but the nod has gone to another lawyer.
Paul Kirk Jr., a lawyer who is the former chairman of the Democratic National Committee, has been tapped to temporarily fill the Senate seat of the late Edward M. Kennedy. Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick announced Kirk as his choice today, Reuters reports.
Kirk, 71, is a onetime Kennedy aide and the chairman of the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation, according to the New York Times, Bloomberg and the Boston Globe.
Another leading candidate mentioned in earlier media reports was Charles Ogletree, the Harvard law professor who represented Henry Louis Gates Jr.. Gates is the Harvard professor arrested at his home after a passerby reported he appeared to be trying to break in.
The Harvard Crimson noted the Ogletree report and quoted other Harvard law professors who said he would make an excellent choice.
Last updated to add that Kirk is chairman of the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation.