
Why being too handsome doomed Matthew McConaughey's lawsuit

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Matthew McConaughey.
Helga Esteb

Being too handsome was a legal impediment for Matthew McConaughey.

The story is getting new attention after McConaughey won an Oscar for Dallas Buyer’s Club. Uproxx.com remembers an April 2013 interview on NPR’s Fresh Air in which McConaughey explains why he lost a lawsuit that contended mink oil treatments worsened his acne. The actor also told the tale this year on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, Yahoo Movies reports.

McConaughey says he was just a teen when he used mink oil sold by his mother to treat his acne. His mother’s boss recommended the oil, but it made the condition worse. After McConaughey saw a dermatologist who told him the mink oil was a bad idea, he stopped using it and his face got better.

His parents filed a $30,000 suit for the emotional distress. During his deposition, McConaughey was confronted with damning evidence by the opposing lawyer: McConaughey was named “most handsome” in his high school yearbook.

“I knew right then, we lost,” McConaughey told Jimmy Fallon.

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