Supreme Court Nominations

Who Will Replace Souter? Today's News

  • Print “Betting Website Lists Sotomayor as Favorite for Supreme Court Seat”

Washington Post: “In Court Pick, Obama Seeks to Be Bold but Not Provocative”

Face the Nation (CBS): “Don’t Let The Court House Door Hit You”

Washington Post: “Supreme Court Prospect Has Unlikely Ally”

New York Times: “For Alabama Republican, an Unlikely Role Looms”

Washington Post: “Obama Enlists Biden’s Expertise About High Court”

New York Times: “Scouring Obama’s Past for Clues on Judiciary”

Pasadena Star-News: “Pasadena Judge Possibly Considered for Supreme Court”

Associated Press: “Top Court Prospect Wood Has Sided with Religion”

Legal Blog Watch: “Law Profs Urge Non-Judge for Souter Seat”

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