Which Law Blogger Would You Most Like to Meet—And Why?
We at ABAJournal.com marked Cyber Monday by announcing our fourth annual Blawg 100, the year’s 100 best legal blogs as chosen by the editors of the ABA Journal. And for most of December, readers will be able to vote for their own favorites among the 100 we’ve chosen.
Some blogs are appealing because their timely content helps us in our professional missions. But other blogs’ real appeal comes from the intriguing persona of the blogger, and his or her combination of personality, writing style and command of subject matter. And while now anyone can follow most bloggers on Twitter, and see their more spontaneous thoughts in addition to their crafted posts, meeting in person is rare.
This made us wonder …
If given the chance, which law blogger would you most like to meet—and why? Would you want to talk shop with tax law with Kelly Phillips Erb of TaxGirl or University of Cincinnati law professor Paul Caron of TaxProf Blog? Sip Rioja with Mike Semple Piggot of Charon QC? Or go shopping with Kat Griffin of Corporette?
Please don’t feel like you have to limit yourself to blawggers in this year’s Blawg 100. And if there are other regular commenters to ABAJournal.com posts you’d like to meet, go ahead and share your reasons.
Answer in the comments.
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