Question of the Week

What's the strangest thing you've seen forfeited or used as collateral or payment in a case?

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Martin Shkreli. JStone /

Last week, before former pharmaceutical executive Martin Shkreli was sentenced to seven years in prison for securities fraud, he was ordered to forfeit more than $7 million from his own funds or "substitute assets."

Among the substitute assets listed in the preliminary order of forfeiture? The sole copy of the Once Upon a Time in Shaolin album by Wu-Tang Clan, which Shkreli paid $2 million for in 2015; and a Picasso painting.

This week, we’d like to ask you: What’s the strangest thing you’ve seen forfeited or used as collateral in a case? Or what’s the strangest thing you’ve heard of being accepted as payment for legal services?

Answer in the comments.

Read the answers to last week’s question: Have you ever felt you had to limit contact with a difficult client?

Featured answer:

Posted by Take A Deep Breath: “I had a client who was dysfunctional on the telephone. The client could not stay focused upon the subject of the conversation. I had to restrict conversations to email, and I told her why. Another former client became evasive when I focused upon material matters that he did not want to confront. I had to cancel a mediation and withdraw.”

Do you have an idea for a question of the week? If so, contact us.

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