Question of the Week

What's the oddest elective course that you took in law school?

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This week, NPR blog The Protojournalist took note of unusual elective courses at U.S. colleges. Rutgers University offers (and has since at least 2012) a course called Politicizing Beyoncé in its department of women’s and gender studies. Portland Community College offers a smartphone photography course. And George Mason University has an anthropology course on zombies.

Law schools have electives, too, although some legal scholars—including U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia—have openly questioned their practical value.

So this week, we’d like to ask you: What’s the oddest elective course that you took in law school? Do you regret having taken it, or are you glad you took it?

Answer in the comments.

Read the answer to last week’s question: Do you think character and fitness standards for the bar are too lenient or too harsh?

Featured answer:

Posted by Nathan:

“Does it matter? It delays a candidate who had a DUI and lets in the megalomaniac who will eventually make associates’ and colleagues’ lives hell. A more accurate test would be a simple background check combined with a 100-word essay on, say, puppies. Or maybe even three Rorshach tests.”

Do you have an idea for a future question of the week? If so, contact us.