Question of the Week

What's the Most Outlandish Claim You've Seen Filed in Court?

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In the blogosphere, there’s no shortage of nutty lawsuit stories. Entire blogs are devoted to the subject. Overlawyered is one of the most prolific. And Above the Law had this gem about a woman who sued a hospital because she claimed doctors there stole her idea for the cure for cancer.

We couldn’t be completely left out of the mix, so we’ve jumped in from time to time to note claims that might be considered, at minimum, over the top … at least if one doesn’t know all the backstory.

Two of our favorites were the Nebraska lawmaker’s lawsuit against God (and the answer), and the South Carolina inmate who pleaded for new counsel because he didn’t want a “lady attorney.”

This made us wonder about wild allegations you’ve come across.

So tell us …

What’s the most outlandish claim you’ve seen filed in court?

Answer in the comments section below.

Read last week’s Q&A about favorite euphemisms.

Our favorite answer from last week:

Posted by Lou: “At a previous firm there was a ‘Termination Assistance Program’ or ‘TAP.’ Employees were not fired, they were ‘tapped.’ It gave me a vision of employees sitting at their desks and the HR person ‘tapping’ them on the shoulder with a sword as if knighting them. In actuality the ‘package’ was very generous.”

Give us feedback, share a story tip or update, or report an error.