Question of the Week

What Would You Name Your Lawyer Band?

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“Jailhouse Rock.” “I Shot the Sheriff.” “Folsom Prison Blues.” “I Fought the Law.” Plenty of rock songs have been written about legal troubles. But lawyers aren’t just the fodder for song lyrics. Many attorneys are musicians themselves, and many find a clever way to allude to their profession in their band’s name.

This Saturday, attorneys will be performing in LawJam 2011: Battle of the Atlanta Lawyers’ Bands to support the Atlanta Bar Association’s charitable projects and local pro bono services. Joining in the event are Melanie & the Felonies, the Subpoenas and Section 8. Rock bands Tortious Conduct, The Soul Practitioner and the Loopholes performed May 6 in Toronto for the Lawyers Feed the Hungry Program. On Feb. 3, the Illinois Bar Foundation held its concert, Lawyers Rock Legends, with bands such as Barristers Big Band, a large jazz ensemble from Chicago.

If you were in a lawyer band, what name would you choose? If you do have a band, tell us your name and send us photos of you rocking out. Answer in the comments.

Read the answers to last week’s question and view photos of readers’ office spaces: What Does Your Work Space Say About You?

Featured answer:

Posted by Amie Simpson: “I have a variety of ‘parent and child’ figurines from all parts of the world on my credenza. As a legal aid attorney specializing in domestic violence and children’s law issues, these statuettes remind me of the real reason I come into work every day. Also, they remind me of all the children I have waiting for me at home—especially the Hopi woman with 11 children in her lap!”