What Was Your Most Memorable Law School Class Session?
This week, we noted Tom Cruise’s surprise visit to an entertainment law class at Harvard Law School.
Cruise slipped in about 30 minutes after his lawyer, HLS alum Bertram Fields, started a guest lecture. And eventually a number of students tipped off by text messages and e-mails entered to see the spectacle for themselves.
What we’re wondering: What was your most memorable law school class? What happened in that class? A special guest lecture? A spectacular gaffe by the professor or another student?
Answer in the comments below.
Read the answers to last week’s question: Do U Think Acronyms R an Epidemic?
Featured answer:
Posted by Lily: “The worst offender of this has to be the federal government. There are acronyms within acronyms. The “P” in LPO stands for PICS. Acronyms are made into verbs and adjectives. I laughed out loud the first time someone asked me whether a document was FOIAble.
“No one ever wants to get caught not knowing an acronym. They will pretend to know it, nod along, and then Google it when they get back to their desk.”