Question of the Week

What pump-up songs do you play on your earphones on the way to court?

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We’ve asked you before how you physically prepare for ‘game days’ in your legal practice.

This week, we’d like to know: What pump-up songs do you play on your earphones when you walk into court? Or in your car on the way the courthouse or to some other “game day” in your law practice?

We’ve previously asked you what music you listen to while you work, but that’s not what we’re after today. We want to know what songs get you excited versus calm and focused. Something like “Right Now” from Van Halen. Or nothing like “Right Now” from Van Halen. You get the idea.

Answer in the comments, and feel free to include with your answer a link to a YouTube video playing your song.

Read the answer to last week’s question: Do you take your pet to work? Would you if it were possible?

Featured answer:

Posted by Ask your co-workers: “Maybe the question should be: would your co-workers welcome your pet? I was taking my dog to work for a week or so. I worked in a health-care setting, and the staff would come and get her to take her down to interact with some of the patients. It was a win-win. She was not bored all day. I did not feel guilty leaving her alone so much, and it was therapeutic for the patients. Then I discovered that my boss was highly allergic to dogs and had been suffering in, well, almost silence … sneezing and coughing aside. I stopped bringing her when I learned I was causing my boss to suffer so badly.”

This week’s question was suggested by Ken Bresler. Do you have an idea for a future question of the week? If so, contact us.

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