What nonwork pursuits have you noted on your resume?
A recent study found that when male applicants for law firm jobs noted on their resumés hobbies that indicate they had a privileged upbringing—sailing, polo, et cetera—it helped them get interviews. Female applicants who noted such hobbies didn’t reap the same benefits.
So this week, we’d like to ask you: What nonwork pursuits have you noted on your resumé? Volunteer work? Musical instruments you can play? Participation or achievements in college sports? Do you think that including that personal information helped you land interviews? If you have never included personal information on a resumé, why not?
Answer in the comments.
Read the answers to last week’s question: Does the US need a defender general?
Featured answer:
Posted by Matthew Valerio, Vermont Defender General: “I do not know whether the U.S. needs a Defender General. I know in Vermont the position serves as a counterweight to the impulse to erode constitutional principles of criminal law, the instinct to reduce defense funding, and the influence of elected prosecutors in the legislative process. It has worked for Vermont. I do not know if it would work on a national level.”
Do you have an idea for a future question of the week? If so, contact us.
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