Question of the Week

What is your 'desert island' book?

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For decades, BBC Radio has aired Desert Island Discs, a show at which guests choose and discuss the eight pieces of music, one book and one luxury item that they would take with them if they were castaway on a desert island. As far as books, castaways are to assume they have already been given the Complete Works of Shakespeare as well as the Bible or comparable religious or philosophical text.

Since we published our list of the 25 greatest law novels this week, we’d like you tell us: What is your “desert island” book? And why is it your desert island book? For the purposes of this question, let’s assume the BBC’s book rules apply.

Answer in the comments.

Read the answers to last week’s question: What are your tips for what not to do on bar prep / bar exam days?

Posted by Whitney Todd: “The most best tip I learned from a professor while prepping for the exam: if you have one area you just are not getting (for me, Uniform Commercial Code law), concentrate your studies on every other area. Sure, you’ll get a low score in that one area (I got a 2 on UCC), but you will be better prepped in every other area.”

Do you have an idea for a future question of the week? If so, contact us.