Question of the Week

What Does Your Workplace Do to Make You Feel Appreciated?

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Last week, the New York Times wrote about how the latest perks that Silicon Valley companies are giving to their employees focus on their home lives.

“Facebook gives new parents $4,000 in spending money,” the Times reports. “Stanford School of Medicine is piloting a project to provide doctors with housecleaning and in-home dinner delivery. Genentech offers take-home dinners and helps employees find last-minute baby sitters when a child is too sick to go to school.”

So this week, we’d like to ask you: Even if your company isn’t flush enough to offer incentives like these, what does it do to make you and other employees feel appreciated? Flex time or summer hours? If you’re an employer, what beyond salary do you provide for your staff?

Answer in the comments.

Read the answers to last week’s question: If You Were Running for President, What Would Your Six-Word ‘Stump Speech’ Be?

Featured answer:

Posted by TrialDog: “Fix or eliminate what doesn’t work.”