Question of the Week

What do you do to stay organized and meet deadlines in your practice?

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get organized

In the September issue of the ABA Journal, legal writing expert Bryan Garner provides a sample checklist for the timely completion of an appellate brief.

“Brief-writing involves many moving parts,” Garner writes. “Having a checklist will ensure that you and your team are at your best.”

This week, we’d like to ask you: What do you do to stay organized and meet deadlines in your practice? Do you utilize checklists? Do you establish an elaborate set of reminders? Do helpful staffers and smart delegation of tasks keep you on track?

Answer in the comments.

Read the answers to last week’s question: Are there things you won’t post on social media because of privacy concerns?

Featured answer:

Posted by Danymity: “Not a goddamned thing! I have Facebook, but I keep it article-driven and not so much on my personal life. So, I run into a Facebook friend at an airport who I told I was just coming in from Chicago. His response: ‘And you didn’t tell us?’ (Meaning broadcast it on Facebook or other social media platforms) as so many do. Is this the society we’ve now become?”

Do you have an idea for a future question of the week? If so, contact us.