What Continues to Inspire You About the Practice of Law?
This week, the American Bar Association and lawyers across the country celebrated Law Day on May 1 with essay contests, mock trials, town hall meetings to inspire Americans to reflect on the role of law and recognize its importance.
So this week, as we recognize Law Day, we’d like you to tell us: What continues to inspire you about the practice of law? Tell us about a positive client experience, a job well done or a memorable moment that keeps you going day in and day out.
Answer in the comments.
Read the answers to last week’s question: Who would you nominate to the high court? And what choice do you think Obama or Romney might make?
Featured answer:
Posted by Tim Mara: “Whoever is president should nominate someone who did not attend Yale or Harvard and is not from the east or west coast. There is great legal talent in every corner of this great country, and the nominations should reflect that rich pool of potential nominees.”
Do you have an idea for a future question? If so, contact us.
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