Question of the Week

What are your funniest and weirdest stories from the courtroom?

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witness stand

Last week, we took note of a Connecticut man who drove a stolen car to a court hearing on a stolen-car charge.

A Hartford parking authority employee was scanning plates near the courthouse and made the discovery. Jonathan Rivera was charged with second-degree larceny, driving without a license and taking a motor vehicle without the owner’s permission.

We’re sure that isn’t the strangest thing to happen in a court of law. So this week, we’d like to ask you: What are your funniest and weirdest stories from the courtroom?

Answer in the comments.

Read the answers to last week’s question: What’s the strangest thing you’ve seen forfeited or used as collateral or payment in a case?

Featured answer:

Posted by Russ: “The strangest thing I saw that was used as collateral was manure. It was 1979 in Fresno. A local cattle-feeding operation was insolvent. People were levying on all of their tractors and equipment, all of which were encumbered. The firm I worked for at the time obtained writ of execution on the manure, some 20,000 tons of it. The sheriff, when he saw the levy, asked where he was going to put the manure, in the trunk of his patrol car? The manure had value as fertilizer. We were one of the creditors who actually recovered anything in this case.”

Give us feedback, share a story tip or update, or report an error.