What are your favorite lawyerly spaces?
Caldwell County Courthouse in Lockhart, Texas.
Image from Shutterstock.
Last month, we noted a couple who visited all 254 Texas courthouses and eventually married at one.
“In a lot of ways, the courthouse is the keeper of local history, the center of local history, and all of them together make up state history,” Aaron Mason told the American-Statesman in December. “They show that little places are important, just as the big places are. Courthouses are about people, even though many times people who go to a courthouse probably aren’t happy to be there—to go to court, for jury duty, to pay a fine.”
The ABA Journal also maintains a Pinterest board featuring lawyerly spaces–courthouses, law libraries and law offices.
This week, we’d like to ask you: What are your favorite lawyerly spaces? Tell us about them and send us photos, if you like. If you also want to discuss or document a shabby “lawyerly space” that you’re forced to work in, we welcome that as well.
Answer in the comments.
Read the answer to last week’s question: Do you think that curtailing telecommuting is best for the bottom line?
Featured answer:
Posted by Halli: “There’s absolutely no reason why telecommuting for part of the week and being in the office part of the week shouldn’t be an option. To make it sound as though it’s either every day telecommuting or every day in the office is absurd. If an individual employee does not seem to be performing adequately when working from home, that’s an entirely different story, but for everyone else, there is absolutely no reason to take away the option to work from home for part of each week, and Mayer offered no valid reason whatsoever. My union negotiated for us to be able to work from home two days a week. This is a huge help to be able to save commuting time those days, and options like this are beneficial to all ends.”
Do you have an idea for a future question of the week? If so, contact us.
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