Question of the Week

What do you wear to work in the summer?

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overheated man sweating in the sun.

Image from Shutterstock.

As scorching temperatures roll across the United States, we’re wondering how people are dressing to cope with the summer weather. Just last week, Alaska was experiencing an unprecedented heat wave, according to the Washington Post, and the weekend is supposed to see thermometers climbing over 100 degrees in many Midwestern and East Coast cities.

Our Southern colleagues may have seersucker suits ready and waiting in their closets, but if you’re from a region that doesn’t usually experience oppressive heat, you may not have appropriate pieces in your professional wardrobe.

There can also be different expectations based on gender, where a woman attorney could don a skirt when her male associate still needs to put on full-length pants. On the other hand, a light summer dress might keep you cool in the sun, but shivering in your air-conditioned office.

So this week, we’d like to ask you: What do you wear to work in the summer? If you’re accustomed to the heat, do you have tips for your less experienced colleagues? Does your office dress code cramp your summer style?

Answer in the comments on our social media channels via Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Check out last week’s question: Do you think humor is helpful or harmful in the courtroom, and why?

Featured answer:

Posted by Wesley Hanna on LinkedIn:

“I knew an attorney that used humor in what seemed to be a mechanism to put his nerves at ease. The instances I saw it myself left me cold–we’re taking up the time of the judge, the court staff, opposing counsel, and possibly jurors–it’s on the line of disrespectful to use that time to cut wisecracks. There’s also risk that a joke about your case could be perceived as acknowledgement of a weakness or that a joke about your adversaries’ position be interpreted as belittling. Using humor to sustain rapport with a judge you’re often before makes sense. Rolling with the moment and seizing an opportunity to share a laugh is only natural. Routinely incorporating humor into advocacy is risky business.”

Do you have an idea for a future Question of the Week? If so, contact us.