Law Firms

Weird, Wacky Law Firm Lederhosen Video

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Call it an unusual law firm marketing concept. But a YouTube video about 130-attorney San Francisco-based Hanson Bridgett was a lot of fun for those involved, the firm’s managing partner tells, and it is drawing attention to the firm’s lighthearted approach to the practice of law.

Scripted and directed by Dave Burns, a former employee of the firm with a significant film industry background, The Law Accordion to Hanson Bridgett features a band of lederhosen-clad musicians, including managing partner Andrew Giacomini, who plays a bass drum accompaniment to the troupe’s predominant accordion theme. Taking an apparent break from law practice, they walk down Market Street in San Francisco, marching to a beat that can perhaps best be described as zydeco with a German flair. So far, it has been viewed more than 11,000 times on YouTube since being posted March 5.

“I just got really interested in the whole social networking video-sharing culture,” explains Giacomini, when asked what inspired the firm to create—and post—the video. “People would send me videos, and I started paying attention, and I realized there was a whole new world of outreach out there … people just making their own movies and putting them out there.”

While, like traditional marketing methods, the video hasn’t immediately brought new clients to the firm, and wasn’t expected to, “it just reinforces something about your firm,” says Giacomini, who declines to explain what specific message, if any, the firm hopes viewers will take away from the mini-flick. It has been well-received, especially by law students, he notes, and shows viewers “this is a firm where people don’t take themselves too seriously, but they are serious about what they do. They have fun, and they get it.”

The firm offers its own official take on the YouTube video (which can be seen below) in a press release posted on its website. The Adrants blog describes it as a weird and wacky law firm video with a message that isn’t entirely clear.

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