Personal Lives

Wagging Tails and Wet Noses Lift Law Students' Spirits at Pre-Exam 'Puppy Day'

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As exams loom, there’s nothing like a tail-wagging bundle of love to lift a law student’s sagging spirits.

So, in a repeat of a successful event, George Mason University School of Law yesterday partnered with a local shelter to bring in 15 homeless and adoptable young canines for a “Puppy Day,” reports the Washington Post.

Like a number of law students, the young dogs were also stressed, but for a different reason–dealing with several dozen unfamiliar humans made some of the animals nervous, the newspaper reports. But as everyone got to know each other, things settled down and a number of puppies took a snooze in the arms of future attorneys.

“Especially this time of the year, law school seems to ruin your life,” third-year Allison Tisdale, 24, who comes from Texas, tells the Post. But holding a squirming, furry baby dog, she said, “you get to be human again.”

Related coverage:

ABAJournal: “Going to the Dogs: New Addition to Yale’s Law Library—Therapy Dog Monty” “Law Students: Feeling Stressed By Exams? Therapy Dogs are Ready to Provide a Sympathetic Presence”

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