Business of Law

UK Regulatory Authority Warns Consumers About Mystery Manhattan Law Firm

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A United Kingdom regulatory agency has issued a warning about a purported New York-based legal partnership that appears to be fictitious, as least as far as practicing law is concerned.

Cromwell & Goodwin is not authorized under the Financial Services and Markets Act of 2000, to do business in the U.K. that requires such authorization, states the Financial Services Authority alert. It goes on to warn potential investors that such entities are “often involved in ‘boiler room’ activities and pose a high degree of risk to consumers,” reports the Am Law Daily.

Since the purported law firm caught the law blog’s attention last month, the Am Law Daily has managed to reach a woman at Cromwell & Goodwin who is identified as “Sonya.” However, she said the firm’s two name partners were in meetings and appeared confused about the correct name of one and the gender of the other.

Earlier coverage: “Mystery Manhattan ‘Law Firm’ Listed on Website Appears to Be a Fake … But Why?”

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