Animal Law

Town Bans Sale of Most Puppies in Pet Stores

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The first city in the country to ban the declawing of cats has enacted another groundbreaking animal rights ordinance. West Hollywood, Calif., this week prohibited “companion animal” stores from selling dogs and cats, unless they fall within a “humanely bred, reared or sheltered” exception.

It is the second community in the country to do so, reports the Los Angeles Times. South Lake Tahoe, Calif., passed a similar law last year, and a state senator in Maryland has introduced a bill that would prohibit pet stores there from selling dogs who are less than 9 months old.

Proponents of such laws say pet stores and so-called puppy mills and other breeders that supply them contribute substantially to an overpopulation of animals that results in up to 4 million cats and dogs being euthanized annually.

Earlier related coverage: “Fla.‘s Python Problem Prompts Proposed National Ban on Imports” “Swiss to Take Vote on Whether Animals Must Have Lawyers in Court”

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