Law Practice

Top India Law Salary: $7K + Stock Options

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The starting annual salary for a graduate of one of India’s top law schools working in an outsourced position for a major U.S. law firm is less than an American counterpart earns in a single month if employed by the firm directly.

But the job has some nice benefits, at least potentially—stock options and servers to freshen up your coffee at your desk, for instance. And those who work there say they are happy to have the job, reports the ABA Journal in a feature article, “Manhattan Work at Mumbai Prices.”

Take Aditi Tulpule, for instance. The 32-year-old has degrees both from a top Indian law school and an institution in Great Britain. She is licensed to practice in both countries. And, in an arrangement that is becoming increasingly commonplace, she works in India doing work for American lawyers such as abstracting leases, drafting contracts and document review. While she won’t say what she makes, a source tells the magazine that $6,000 to $7,000 is a good starting salary for a newly minted lawyer there.

Read more about Tulpule’s work at the Mumbai office of Pangea3, one of India’s hottest legal outsourcing companies.