International Law

Told Apple Needs 14 Days to Change 'Untrue' Samsung Correction Notice, UK Judge Expresses Disbelief

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Exterior detail of an Apple store in London. 1000 Words

Ordered by the United Kingdom’s High Court of Justice last month to put a post on its website explaining that a competitor didn’t copy its iPad design, Apple Inc. tried to comply but published a notice that was “untrue” and “incorrect,” according to British judges.

Then, when Apple was ordered by the U.K. Court of Appeal in London to take down the offending notice and replace it within 24 hours with one that informed readers about its inaccurate comments, a lawyer for the computing Goliath said it needed 14 days to get the new notice in place, Bloomberg and the Los Angeles Times’ Tech Now blog report.

That led to a critique by a British judge in court Thursday:

“I would like to see the head of Apple make an affidavit setting out the technical difficulties which means Apple can’t put this on … their website,” said Judge Robin Jacob, adding: “I just can’t believe the instructions you’ve been given. This is Apple. They cannot put something on their website?”

Attorney Michael Beloff, representing Apple, told the judge the notice that Samsung didn’t infringe on Apple’s patented design “is not designed to punish, it is not designed to makes us grovel. The only purpose is to dispel commercial uncertainty.”

The BBC News also has a story.

Earlier coverage: “Apple Ordered to Say on Its UK Site, in British Papers That Samsung Didn’t Copy iPad; Appeal Planned”

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