
Toast Incident Spurs In-House Lawyer to Write Novel

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In-house lawyer Richard Burton has always enjoyed writing, but it was a piece of toast that inspired him to write a novel being released later this month.

Burton’s book, Godsent, is a thriller about the son of God returning to earth, Texas Lawyer’s Tex Parte Blog reports. Reviews say the plot involves a virgin birth, a secret organization and suspicions the child is the antichrist.

Burton is a lawyer with Landmark Management Group in Plano who previously worked at Bickel & Brewer. He tells Tex Parte he got the idea when he was watching CNN and saw an unusual report about a piece of toast at a diner said to look like the Virgin Mary. “They put it in the window, and people from all over came to stand in front of it,” he said.

“So, I thought, what would happen if people really believed the Son of God was on earth again? With travel now, there would be worldwide pandemonium. The book stemmed from that news report: people flocking to see a piece of toast.”

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