Law Schools

These law schools accepted and lost the most transfer students; is Harvard too eager?

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Georgetown and George Washington University law schools are No. 1 and 2 for three years running—for accepting the most transfer students.

Arizona State’s Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law was No. 3 on the list in 2014 and 2015. This year’s No. 4 may surprise you—Harvard Law School. Jerry Organ of the University of St. Thomas School of Law in Minneapolis has the numbers at the Legal Whiteboard. The American Lawyer’s Careerist and TaxProf Blog noted the findings.

The Careerist calls Harvard’s transfers “the news flash” in the numbers. The size of the transfer group jumped 20 percent this year, admissions dean Jessica Soban told the Careerist, because of an applicant pool with “exceptional academic and professional strength.”

Overall the number of law school transfers was 1,979 in 2015, down from 2,187 in 2014, and from 2,501 in 2013.

The top law schools for number of transfers in 2015 are:

1) Georgetown (110)

2) George Washington (109)

3) Arizona State (65)

4) Harvard (55)

5) Emory (51)

6) New York University (51)

7) University of California at Berkeley (49)

8) Rutgers (45)

9) Columbia (44)

10) Miami (44)

The Careerist obtained figures from Organ on the law schools that lost the most transfer students. They are:

American: (69 students out, 33 in)

Florida Coastal: (69 out, 0 in)

Arizona Summit: (49 out, 0 in)

Hastings: (43 out, 20 in)

Suffolk: (42 out, 0 in)

Atlanta’s John Marshall: (41 out, 17 in)

Charleston: (40 out, 0 in)

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