
Is prolific tweeting Texas justice's social media farewell a thank you for 5th Circuit nomination?

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Texas Supreme Court Justice Don Willett has more than 100,000 Twitter followers on Twitter, but they haven’t seen anything new on the social media platform from the justice since Sept. 28.

On that date, Willett thanked President Donald Trump and Texas’ two senators for his nomination to the New Orleans-based 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. There were three other Willett tweets that day, including a chart showing an age divide in preference for the serial comma (a majority of adults under 45 prefer it).

The Austin American-Statesman noted Willett’s silence. “The commander-in-tweet has shut down and shut up the official Tweeter Laureate of Texas,” the article says.

The newspaper asked the Texas Supreme Court about Willett’s Twitter holiday. “Don’t hold your tweets for an answer,” the court spokesman replied.