Legal Ethics

Texas Judge Is Indicted for Allegedly Keying Neighbor's Range Rover

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A Texas grand jury reportedly indicted a state district judge today on a felony criminal mischief charge for allegedly keying a neighbor’s SUV in a parking dispute.

Woody Ray Densen, 69, serves as a visiting judge in Harris County and elsewhere in the Houston area. He was indicted, the Houston Chronicle reports today, citing an unidentified source, after the neighbor, Adam Kliebert, provided May 23 surveillance camera footage that allegedly showed Densen walking by Kliebert’s 2006 Range Rover and making contact with it.

Although the man’s actions are partially obscured on the video, “his arm can be seen making contact with the car, sometimes gliding or moving in a jerking motion along the vehicle’s rear door,” the Chronicle recounts. The newspaper also says the man in the video looks over his shoulder at one point before “dragging his arm along the rear of the car.”

In a conversation secretly videotaped by Kliebert, a 40-year-old home builder, the judge allegedly told Kliebert that he didn’t know who had damaged the Range Rover but thought it might have been targeted because it was hanging over the sidewalk, the newspaper reports.

The judge and his lawyer could not immediately be reached by the newspaper for comment.

Kliebert said he set up the video surveillance after repeatedly finding scratches on his and his ex-girlfriend’s vehicles.

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