Question of the Week

Tell us about your craziest classmate from law school

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Nearly all students, from kindergarten through law school, have returned to classes at this point. In honor of that, we ask you to remember your time in law school—specifically, your fellow students.

Tell us about your craziest classmate from law school, whether he or she was crazy smart; had crazy sleeping or eating habits; or took crazy risks. And if you know what that former classmate is doing now, please share! (And please use pseudonyms if necessary to protect his or her identity.)

Answer in the comments.

Read the answers to last week’s question: What is the top tip you’d share with new lawyers in their first year of practice?

Featured answer (which is not tied to the ongoing contest on Facebook):

Posted by Dreadnought: “Learn to listen to your clients and ask questions. Often a rambling client will reveal an aspect of the case which has not occurred to you.”

This week’s question was suggested by Deadhead. Do you have an idea for a future question of the week? If so, contact us.

Give us feedback, share a story tip or update, or report an error.